If you want to save money, better plan your own home interior design pictures with my husband / wife. There are many design software you can use. For example, microsoft visio technical (which I use because it is more user friendly), if more control can use autocad. Using visio is enough, stay later how to explain the images to design contractor and interior design contractor who will work on the house.
Drawings and design plans in advance musyawarahkan with a husband / wife, and if necessary with parents / in-law and artisans. This relates to land use and arrangement of the room is good. This is very important in making a new home, because the concept of each person can be different, better discussed together.
Select and design contractor and interior design contractor is good, if I could have known in advance or have never seen it work. This is very important because it relates to the quality of the homework. Because the house is occupied would like to wish durable and long lasting. Credibility is also important interior design contractor. Do not let the wrong choice and regret in the future.
Create a letter of agreement on a paper about the house work with builders / contractors. This is important regarding the rights and obligations of each party. There are several types of contracts, one contract per meter building (bulk materials and wages), there is a per meter wage (the wage contract), and others. Use the most suitable to you.
If you want to start building, please take care of the IMB (building permit) if you do not already have it. There should also be planned electric sign and make a well / bore when starting to build.
Plan your funds as much as possible. That is not to use the funds as much as possible but the use of existing funds as possible. Goods and materials to build a different kind and quality. This is where you need to be selective in buying and using goods on the market. If funds are not is certainly not limited to masasalah. If I was really a concern, because the funds for interior design contractor that we have is very limited. Can build up our stand was very grateful, although there are still many pending completion here and there.
Choose a place to buy goods or materials are nice and cheap. Each seller would have different prices. You can just search that matches the bag.
If you ask for the goods delivered to the house, just in time delivery predictions. Sometimes the time of delivery delays, this can cause the material can not be done by the contractor so that the interior of the house to delayed processing time. If possible, goods and materials already prepared one or two days before the interior contractor to do it.
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